Sometimes I think people say things because they are used to hearing those things themselves... all in the world, in pop culture, etc. . . In other words, I really don't think they mean any harm when they say it, it's just something "we say", know what I mean?
Oh teenagers (sneer). . .just you wait until yours are that age. . .
Two of my children are teenagers; my oldest is seventeen and second child is fifteen. And, well. . .I'll just tell you the story that's on my heart, the story that led me to blog about this to begin with.
A few months ago, I was approached by the Board members of my local homeschool support group. Yes, it's funny, but my initial thought was, "Uh oh, did my kids do something wrong? Did I say something? Are we getting kicked out of the group?"
To make a long story short (because if you're blessed to know me in real life, hehe, you know that I can really talk your ear off and that translates into my writing and brevity is not a strength I possess and, and. . . well, did I mention I was making a long story short?)
So. . .to make a long story short, I was told that our High School Coordinator was "retiring" from her position. I was given the choice: either I could choose to be the Middle School Coordinator and our current MS Coordinator would take over the High School stuff, OR, I could be the new High School Coordinator.
Of course I did not make this decision immediately, I knew I had to talk about this with my husband and my Heavenly Father. I needed to know how they felt about this. But one thing I knew would definitely be High School I'd choose.
Oh teenagers (sneer). . .just you wait until yours are that age. . .
I have to tell you something. Brace yourselves. You, like me, have probably heard a different characterization of teenagers all of your life. But. . .I think teenagers are pretty awesome people. Really, I do.
They are not perfect. Are we?
They make incredibly stupid mistakes sometimes. Don't we?
They act like punks sometimes. Don't we? (Ok, maybe you don't, but I do.)
Sometimes they feel rebellious and act out. Don't we? (Um yes, see above.)
Sometimes they feel the pressure that everyone puts on them and feels like everyone is scrutinizing them, just to see when, yes when, they will make their next mistake.
I don't know about you, but as a Christian, I have felt that way before. Like everyone is waiting to pounce on me for something or other.
Sometimes they wish someone, anyone, would just tell them what to do so they don't have to make such a huge, important decision about something or other. . .I have felt that way.
Other times they just wish everyone would shut up and stop acting like they are incapable of making decisions and let them make their own decisions. Yep, I have felt that way, too.
Really, are we that different?
I know what some of you are thinking. Let me agree right now. We get wiser with age. Um, usually. We get wiser with some life experience under our belts. Yes, yes, I agree. There are many great lessons teenagers can learn from us. We have been there, really we have. Chances are, we have felt like you feel, really we have.
But I think people forget what it used to be like.
To be a teenager.
To be a teenager.
So I knew I definitely wanted to be the High School Coordinator, because I really enjoy the teen years. Yes, there's drama. Yes, there's heartache. Yes, there is frustration. Yes, there are times when you really, and I mean really, want to smack them upside the head. Yes, there are times when you giggle and think, "When they're older, they'll understand. . ." but remember. . .do you remember. . .when we were like that? I sure do.
As all the words of this blog post were swirling around in my head while I was outside watching my youngest in the pool, I started to tear up. Last night, I took some teens to the bowling alley. What fun! How fun it is to look at these kids and see such promise, such potential. To see the future. Each is unique and has different personalities, but they all made me smile and laugh.
But I also know they are coming to the point of feeling the weight of the future on their shoulders. Some are graduating and know what they want to be "when they grow up". Others still struggle with thoughts of, "I'm not gonna be a kid anymore. How will I get a good job? How will I ever be able to buy a house?" Really, can you imagine? Do you remember those feelings? Those emotions? That uncertainty?
So I drive these kids around, taking them to fun places because I know there will come a time when I won't be able to do that anymore. Well, unless I hire myself out as an old granny who drives strange teens around but that would be a bit weird. Even for me. There will come a time when these kids are out in the big world, getting married, having families of their own, contributing to society, living life. . .And when people tell them:
Oh teenagers (sneer). . .just you wait until yours are that age. . .
I hope I'm around. So I can tell them, "Yeah, you just wait. Because if you have the right attitude, it's gonna be so much fun!"
For His glory alone,